Ski kindergarten

Complex Kamelia Pamporovo

Only Kamelia Complex in Pamporovo offers its own Ski Kindergarten.

It is held in front of the hotel and is suitable for children aged 4 to 9.

Under the professional care of animators and ski instructors, children learn the first steps in skiing with pleasure and through a lot of games.


The ski kindergarten is available in three variants:

All day

80 BGN

10 – 15 hours

The price includes lunch and ski equipment for the child.

Half day

40 BGN

10 – 12 hours / lunch / or
from 13 – 15 hours / afternoon /

The price includes ski equipment for the child.

Half day

50 BGN

10 – 13 hours / lunch / or
from 12 – 15 hours / afternoon /

The price includes lunch and ski equipment for the child.

It doesn’t requier reservations in advance.